The FDA does not govern medical procedures; the FDA approves drugs (medications) and medical devices. Stem cell therapies fall under the category of medical procedures; a scenario in which the physician and patient are free to consider and decide upon the best possible medical treatment for that individual.

The FDA does, however, have strict guidelines about manipulation of the patient’s own tissue, and at Cell Life Medical we adhere and abide by all applicable FDA guidelines and requirements.

Once we obtain the bone marrow or fat tissue containing stem cells, the cells must be concentrated and prepared for final delivery to the target site (e.g. knee joint, hip joint, lumbar disc).

The processing and preparation of the stem cells are always performed under strict safety and sterility conditions. At Cell Life Medical, we utilize state of the art “closed system” technology, in which none of the cells come into contact with the outside environment during the entire process. By adhering to the strictest safety protocols, Cell Life Medical and its trained staff members are committed to providing you with the best possible experience and results for your stem cell treatment.

Once the stem cells are harvested and processed to produce a stem cell concentrate, they are ready to be deployed to their final target destination. Needless to say, this is an extremely vital step in the procedure; as the stem cells must be accurately and expertly delivered in order to ensure the best possible outcome. Many stem cell clinics underplay this part of the procedure either by deploying the stem cells “blindly”, without the aid of imaging, or by using a sub-optimal imaging modality, such as ultrasound.

At Cell Life Medical, we utilize real time fluoroscopy (x-ray) for all stem cell injections; thereby, ensuring accurate delivery to the target. Moreover, the doctors at Cell Life Medical each have over 20 years of experience performing joint and spinal injections utilizing fluoroscopic guidance.

Adult stem cells can be obtained from either bone marrow or adipose (fat) tissue. Most stem cell clinics utilize either one or the other, exclusively. At Cell Life Medical, our stem cell doctors are capable of harvesting stem cells from either location. It is our opinion that there are advantages to both bone marrow and adipose-derived stem cells. Therefore, we tailor our treatment to each individual patient’s needs.

Bone marrow stem cells are obtained from the pelvic bones in a 10 minute, minimally-invasive procedure under local anesthesia.

Adipose stem cells are extracted utilizing state of the art infrasonic liposuction, typically performed on the abdomen or flank areas.

The liposuction is a 20-30 minute procedure, also done under local anesthesia by our stem cell doctors in Los Angeles. Either stem cell extraction procedure is performed on the same day as your complete stem cell treatment.

The recovery period for a stem cell procedure is very short. In most cases, you will be up and participating in normal activities within 24 hours. There may be a small amount of discomfort at the stem cell donor site, as well as the target site for a few days after the procedure.

Depending on the body part treated with stem cells, you will be instructed to refrain from full athletic and strenuous exercise for 4-6 weeks, in order to allow the stem cells to fully incorporate and thrive in the new environment.

Yes. We know of no cases in our experience, nor of any cases documented in medical literature of any serious complications or harm from stem cell treatment. Rather, there are multiple studies in the medical literature attesting to the universal safety of stem cell therapy.

Certainly, any invasive procedure will carry a very small risk of complication, such as infection. While the harvesting of stem cells from bone marrow or adipose tissue, and the reintroduction of stem cells into its final destination introduces minor risks, Cell Life Medical adheres to the strictest protocols of safety and sterility. We also draw upon over 50 years of combined experience from our doctors in performing minimally-invasive spine and joint procedures. We take all necessary precautions to ensure that your stem cell procedure is a safe, pleasant and effective experience that contributes to your overall health and well-being.

The differentiation of adult stem cells into their final form is dependent on many factors, including cell-to-cell communication and micro-environmental signaling. Based on these cues, as well as others that are less-well understood, the stem cells are able to transform into the healthy tissue needed to repair and replace damaged and diseased tissue. For example, stem cells placed into a damaged, arthritic hip joint will form into healthy cartilage tissue to replace the worn out arthritic cartilage. In this scenario, stem cell therapy can become a less invasive alternative to joint replacement surgery.

No. The adult stem cells used are autologous, meaning they come from your own body. Therefore, there is no risk of tissue rejection. Nor is there any risk of contracting a communicable disease through stem cell treatment, as might be possible from a blood transfusion.

In adults, stem cells are present in various tissues and organ systems. The most accessible and practical places to obtain adult stem cells for clinical use are from bone marrow and adipose (fat) tissue. Harvesting adult stem cells from either location is a relatively painless, and a quick procedure done under local anesthesia as part of the overall stem cell treatment.

Adult stem cells utilized in stem cell therapy are found in mature adult tissues such as bone marrow and adipose tissue.

Embryonic stem cells, on the other hand, are not found in adult tissue at all. They are obtained from in-vitro fertilized, frozen embryos.

There has been a great deal of controversy surrounding the ethical use of embryonic stem cells. However, embryonic stem cells are mainly used for research purposes and not in clinical settings.

At Cell Life Medical, we DO NOT use embryonic stem cells whatsoever. We only use adult, autologous stem cells. This means that the stem cells used for your treatment are simply your own cells working for your own benefit.

Regenerative Medicine is a relatively new and rapidly expanding field of medicine that focuses on repairing and regenerating damaged and diseased tissue. Regenerative medicine focuses on restoring normal healthy function to our bodies.   Some of the tools of Regenerative Medicine include minimally invasive procedures such as stem cell and PRP injections, as well as medical optimization of our metabolic function through the use of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.

Adult (non-embryonic) stem cells can be thought of as young cells that are undifferentiated or unspecialized, meaning they have not grown or developed into their final product. These cells are capable of forming into various tissue types such as bone, muscle, nerves or cartilage to name a few.

Stem cells are precursor cells that have the ability to replace dying cells and regenerate damaged tissue. In stem cell therapy, they can seek out areas of injury and disease, and are capable of regenerating healthy cells and accelerating the natural healing process.