At Cell Life Medical, it is our mission to provide minimally-invasive medical solutions that successfully treat a variety of inflammatory and degenerative conditions through the use of adult stem cell therapy, and regenerative medicine.
Cell Life Medical is a medical practice dedicated to providing the latest and most scientifically advanced treatments of adult stem cell therapy, and other applications of regenerative medicine. The many benefits of our stem cell therapy treatments capitalize upon revolutionary advancements in medical science. We develop treatments that restore and regenerate healthy tissue in order to allow our bodies to heal themselves.

At Cell Life Medical, our physicians are dedicated to providing the safest and most advanced treatments in the exciting field of adult stem cell therapy and Regenerative Medicine. Together Dr. Proano and Dr. Simon have over 50 years of combined experience in the minimally invasive procedures utilized in stem cell harvesting and delivery. Our Los Angeles-based stem cell therapy facilities are located in Westwood and Torrance.